Anatomy Microscopy Workshop
To be held at: Frodsham Community Centre, Fluin Lane, Frodsham, WA6 7QN
A one day course to explore honeybee anatomy and to gain an understanding of how their anatomy has evolved to meet their needs. During the day we will study both the external and internal anatomy of the bee.
Specific topics to be covered include:
- How to set up and correctly use low-power dissecting microscopes and high-power, compound microscopes.
- Differences between the queen, worker, and drone
- The circulatory system
- The digestive system
- Wings and flight
- The sting mechanism
The cost is £20 per person which will cover the cost of room hire plus the materials we will use (slides, cover slips, etc), and tea/coffee.
Lunch is not included so please bring a packed lunch.
You can book a place and pay using the link below or please contact Stuart Hatton, Tel 01925 263023 or email: to pay by cash or cheque on the day.
In addition to lunch, please bring with you:
- Microscopes together with lighting (if you have your own).
- Sample of bees – 30 bees (dead!). The sample should be no more than 2-3 days old. Place live bees in a freezer for a minimum of 24 hours to kill them.
There will be some microscopes available to borrow if you do not have your own. Course numbers will be limited on this workshop due to the availability of microscopes, so please book early.