Friend Membership
If you are considering keeping bees, or you just want to learn more about bees, you can become a Friend of Cheshire Beekeepers’ Association by completing the details below and paying the £10 membership fee.
Membership as a Friend of Cheshire BKA entitles you to attend any of our meetings. It also gives you on-line access to our award winning bi-monthly newsletter (including back issues) and regular local beekeeping news via our e-news service.
Our membership year runs from January to December. Once you have become a member, you will receive an email in December each year inviting you to renew your membership for the following year.
Please DO NOT use the form below to renew your membership. It is for the use of new members only.
Data Protection
Full information about our data use, including how you can see what data we hold about you, how you can limit its use and how you can ask for inaccuracies in data to be corrected may be found HERE. The details you submit will be held securely by CBKA. They will be used only to manage your membership, inform you of the Association’s activities, to alert you to disease threats and give you beekeeping advice.