Several of the Cheshire BKA branches offer a Beginners’ course each year. These are open to all who have the time and commitment needed to take up beekeeping.
Mid-Cheshire Branch beginners’ course
Mark Phillipson is running our beginners training. He is planning to do a full day course for beginners and also ‘A day with a beekeeper’.
Please contact him by email – markthebeemanATgmailDOTcom or telephone 07804 796435 or 01928 713065
North Cheshire Branch beginners’ course
The course comprises two parts, Theory and Practical
The Theory course starts in January each year and runs one evening a week for eight weeks.
The Practical Sessions begin Late April / Early May. Start dates are weather and bee dependant and will be announced later.
For further information see the North Cheshire website
South Cheshire Branch
Runs a beginners’ course on Wednesday evenings, 7.15 – 10pm at Sandbach Library, commencing in January for 7sessions.
The course covers the basic knowledge you will need to start keeping your own bees. Practical sessions at the Club Apiary are included during the summer months.
If interested you can find more details on the South Cheshire website
Stockport Branch
The beginners’ course will be in 3 parts:
1) Technical part will cover knowledge of bees and beekeeping and provide the basic knowledge needed to start keeping your own bees. It begins in January and runs one evening a week for 9 weeks.
2) The practical course, over several weeks in late spring and summer, enables you to handle bees, in the presence of experienced beekeepers, and understand the day to day process of beekeeping. The venue is the Woodbank Apiary, Stockport.
3) Following on from the practical course, there will a honey extraction night later in the year demonstrating the best way to harvest your honey.
For more details or an application form see the Stockport Branch website
Wirral Branch
Beginners Program for 2024. Dates are Thursday evenings 7pm to 9pm from 18th Jan to 8th March.
This course is divided into 3 parts:
Part 1. Theory consisting of 8 sessions covering the technical and theory aspects to beekeeping. Each session will focus upon 1 or 2 elements of beekeeping. There are some practical sessions including building a hive etc
Part 2. is 2 sessions held within our new training apiary based within the centre of Wirral, here you will have the opportunity to be more hands on with more experienced beekeepers.
Part 3. This session will focus upon Honey extraction .
The course is designed for equipping new beekeepers with basic knowledge to be able to manage day to day management of their own hive.
Training venue for these sessions : Bromborough Methodist Church 175 Allport Lane, (not road) Bromborough, Wirral CH62 7HW.
Cost 120.00 includes Beekeeping Book
For more information or an application form Please email educationATwirralbeekeepersDOTcoDOTuk or Contact Helen on 07896155363 (10-6pm)