Study Groups
Winter (Video Conferencing) Study Groups 2024 – 2025
Once again we are offering three Study Groups loosely based on the Syllabuses for the Module Examinations of the BBKA. These syllabuses can be found on the BBKA website. Follow the trail from “Services” at the top of the page, then “Courses and Education”, click on “Please log into Members’ Area….” then scroll down to the Module you want.
Each course will consist of about nine sessions, beginning in October 2024 and ending in February/March 2025 in time for people to prepare to sit the examination if they so wish. Please note there is absolutely no pressure on people to take the exam, nor any expectation that they should do so.
The groups are open to all CBKA members: it would be advantageous to have already passed the BBKA Basic Assessment.
There may be a small charge to cover costs of materials, Zoom licence etc.
Because we want members from all areas of the County to be able to take part in these study groups, we expect that most meetings will be held via Zoom in order to avoid long journeys. However, some sessions may be held in person if the group chooses to do so.
In order to fully participate, members will need a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone equipped with webcam and microphone. Zoom is easy to operate and full guidance will be given. If you have any questions or problems, please contact Pete Sutcliffe to discuss (see below).
Study Group Module 1 – Honey Bee Management
This study group will be led by Pete Sutcliffe. The first meeting of the group will be on Monday October 21st, starting at 7.30pm, with meetings at roughly fortnightly intervals thereafter.
The group will be looking at:
- Advising beginners, siting of apiaries and apiary hygiene;
- Hives, frames, spacing and foundation;
- The year’s work in the apiary;
- Feeding honeybees and the value of nectar, pollen, water and propolis to the colony;
- Swarming and control of swarming;
- Nuclei – the various uses of nucleus colonies and how to make them up;
- Queenlessness, drone-laying queens and laying workers;
- Bee-stings.
For further details, contact Pete Sutcliffe at sutcliffe.pete@gmail.com or 01477 532171.
Study Group Module 5 – Honey Bee Biology
This Study Group will be led by Pam & Stuart Hatton, and will start on Monday 28th October at 7.30 p.m. – and then fortnightly thereafter.
The group will be looking at:
- How bees eat and digest
- The excretory system
- The respiratory system
- The circulatory system
- The nervous system
- The reproductive system
- The various glands and their functions
- The development of the egg, larva, pupa and adult bee
- The anatomy of the honeybee
- The castes and how they develop
- Pheromones and their roles
- How the bee stings
- How the bee flies
For further details, contact Pam or Stuart at pamela.hatton200@btinternet.com, or Tel: 01925 263023
Study Group Module 6 – Honey Bee Behaviour
This study group will be led by Lesley Jacques, starting on Monday 28th October 2024 at 7.30 and continuing at roughly two-week intervals.
The Study Group will cover –
- the stages of life and various roles of the worker
- swarming behaviour
- decision-making by the colony
- learning behaviour
- Mating behaviours of the queen and drone
- The role of pheromones in the colony
- Social organisation
- Methods of communication between honey bees
- Behaviours associated with defence, foraging, swarming and nest construction
- The effects of pests and pathogens
For further details, contact Lesley Jacques at lesley.jacques@me.com or 07788 744086.
If you have any questions about any of the above courses – or if you have suggestions for other training that CBKA could organise – please feel free to contact Pete Sutcliffe (sutcliffe.pete@gmail.com or 01477 532171)